Well. What a week.
All I've got in me right now is this list. And, appropriately, it's the first thing on my list of coping mechanisms that I've been turning to this past week. Some are restorative, some resolutely unhealthy, and others just because. Your results may vary.
Make lists.
Eat entirely too much Halloween candy.
Do 8 hours straight of yard work (which for me personally I hardly ever do until absolutely necessary, apparently it's been necessary for a whole different reason this week). Repeat.
Check in on my friends, family, and friends that are family.
Remember that I'm simply one little organism in the much larger ecosystem and I can only do what I can do.
But what I can continue to do is to fight against injustice, hatred, and entitlement in all its forms as long as I live.
Make art.
Also remember that we are all just specks of dust on this planet, in this galaxy, in this vast, infinite universe and we are not alone. Even if it doesn't make sense.
Breathe ~ intentionally, deeply.
Keep perspective, because there has been suffering and chaos on this planet since time immemorial, here in this country for thousands and thousands of people since before it was a country; and of course in other countries too, happening continually and concurrently with what is happening politically right here, right now.
Scrawl many, many thoughts and fears and worries into my journal.
Color in a coloring book of coloring pages of animals farting. For real, it's a thing. I found it at the grocery store.
Hold hope firmly and rigorously within my heart and refuse to let go.
Definitely and defiantly believe that my focus on caring, creativity, connection, and community is needed and absolutely essential, now more than ever.
Scream into the void.
Start to make something to share with a lovely group of creative women that I'm so incredibly grateful to be part of and end up quite possibly creating a whole new e-course out of it.
Spend time with the people I love.
Let go of any of the should's and have to's, as much as I possibly can.
Hug my dog often and fiercely, even though she would rather I didn't, at least not quite so often.
What have you been doing this past week? Please share with me your favorite ways of coping.
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