This Fairy Tale Dreams castle tower is inhabited by some magical wee creatures. During the day there is some serious magic making happening amongst themselves and within these walls. But during the evening is when things really come alive. These mischievious beings wander about the realms, messing with the time-space continuum bringing magic and mystery wherever they go. You never know what they're going to be up to, but you can rest assured it's for the bettering of creatures everywhere. This one-of-a-kind hand-made piece is just the thing for bringing some magic and wonder into your life.
This particular dwelling has been created from repurposed packaging, a couple books that were destined for a landfill, a large assortment of found bits and bobs, sparkle dust, and whimsy. It's meant for a special indoor space with minimal dust and no direct sun exposure. This one reaches just over 15" in height and sits on a 9" x 10" base.
Fairy Tale Dreams
Please shop with great intention! There are no returns on altered book or assemblage art pieces unless there is damage during shipping. Costs of shipping depend on where you live and how quickly you would like to have it delivered. This Fairy Tale Dreams piece weighs approximately 3.5 lbs without packaging, if you would like to do a calculation on your own for an estimate. If you have any questions before purchasing, please reach out. Thank you!